The International Osprey Foundation (TIOF), was founded on Sanibel Island, Florida, USA, in 1981, it's founding principle, the protection and preservation of Ospreys worldwide. To that end, TIOF strives to educate the world community and offer research grants on raptor-related projects internationally. TIOF also recruits and coordinates teams of volunteers who build and maintain osprey nesting platforms and monitor osprey nests locally during breeding season. The information gathered provides research data to Osprey Watch, a central database for Osprey research. TIOF is committed to working with like-minded individuals, agencies and groups to achieve its goals.
The “I” in TIOF is for INTERNATIONAL. Our members are from 5 of the 7 continents. Only Australia and Antarctica do not have TIOF members. Yet! 23 countries are represented in our membership.
TIOF nest monitors collect data about the the ospreys each nesting season and post it on Osprey Watch, an international database. Data is sent to legislators to inform their decisions related to the water quality and other environmental issues which affect their survival.
Nest Monitor’s information about chicks can help the Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife (CROW) select foster nests for injured Osprey chicks. Matching the age of foster chicks to their new sisters and brothers increases the likelihood that adult ospreys will accept the orphan chicks.
These osprey babies are in their nest In the forests of Belarus wearing their brand new bands provided by grant recipient, Denis Keitel. TIOF awards Research Grants to individuals and groups working to study and protect Osprey and other raptors.
TIOF provides interactive games and educational materials to the public at community events.
TIOF partnered with the Ding Darling Wildlife Refuge, the local power company, LCEC, Ned Bruha, “The Wildlife Whisperer,” and R.S. Walsh Landscaping to erect a new osprey platform. Within 24 hours, a pair of Osprey were observed occupying the platform.
Kathryn Brintnall, President
P.O. Box 250, Sanibel Island, FL 33957
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