Pedro Lopez, a previous TIOF grant recipient, has provided an excellent video from the environmental organization BIOS CV depicting the cross-fostering of a juvenile osprey in Boa Vista in the Cape Verde Islands. Z24 was severely injured due to sibling aggression by its older and larger nestmates. Brood reduction, mediated by sibling aggression, is quite common in the Boa Vista osprey population. To aid in his survival, the near-fledging Z24, at 7 weeks old, was placed into another nest for a cross-fostering attempt. Typically, cross-fostering is done into nests with other nestlings but this was the first time that a near fledgling osprey had been transferred to a nest without nestlings. Watch the video of the successful cross-fostering of Z24!
Kathryn Brintnall, President
P.O. Box 250, Sanibel Island, FL 33957
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